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Global Advisory Board Chair
Shirley Baskett was Director of Renew Ministries, an umbrella organisation that had several ministries across Australia and New Zealand who helped Christian people who experience same-sex attraction, or their families. She was also on the Board of Exodus Global Alliance as the regional Director for the Australian/Pacific region. Her autobiography called ‘The Woman Who Outran the Devil’ tells her story of moving from lesbianism to following Christ (Lion Monarch Books). She has been married for nearly 40 years to Peter. She has shared her story in many churches in Australia and overseas.
Shirley worked for 22 years in the travel industry, most of these years managing a corporate travel office. She then went into full time ministry as an associate pastor ordained with the Assemblies of God, also travelling as an itinerant speaker. Shirley has been a conference speaker at international Exodus conferences in Canada, Costa Rica, Mexico and Brazil and has spoken in other nations in the Pacific and in Asia.
Shirley provided seminars to church leaders on understanding homosexuality and how they can respond to an ever-challenging culture. When laws were introduced in the State that she lives in to make any ministry illegal to help same-sex attracted people, Renew and all organised work had to cease. She continues to have a strong interest in helping churches to respond to people with sexuality issues, with both grace and truth. Her doctoral thesis looked at how the church can respond to people with same-sex attraction.
Author / Speaker
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